2020 Magic Quadrant for Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

Gartner has recognized Splunk as a Visionary in the Magic Quadrant for Application Performance Monitoring (APM). We believe this first-time placement in the research reflects the market-leading APM capabilities from Splunk, the Data-to-Everything™ Platform, including Splunk® Enterprise, and Splunk® IT Service Intelligence, as well as the groundbreaking new technologies recently acquired from SignalFx and Omnition. With SignalFx Microservices APM™, Splunk takes a differentiated and better approach to APM:
• NoSample™ full-fidelity distributed tracing with unlimited cardinality exploration
• Open standards-based instrumentation, with active contributions to OpenTelemetry
• AI-driven directed troubleshooting
According to Gartner, “Adoption of APM for monitoring microservices in production went up, from 61% to 78% as compared to the prior year. In addition, 49% of respondents deployed their APM-monitored environments in the cloud. This was up from 36% the prior year.”
Download your complimentary copy of the research to find out why Gartner has named Splunk a Visionary in the APM MQ report.