6 Ways FTP/SFTP Is Putting Your Business at Risk

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Secure FTP (SFTP) are among the most widely used methods for file sharing. However, FTP-based solutions were never designed to handle the exploding need for fast, secure and scalable exchange of digital information. When used broadly across your organization, FTP puts your business at risk in the following ways:
• Lack of security features to handle today’s cyber threats
• Lack of controls to schedule or re-prioritize critical transfers
• Lack of full visibility to discover and act on failures before they become a problem
• Lack of automation for recovery of delivery failures and checkpoint restarts
• Unproductive use of IT resources taking away focus from business priorities
• Inability to meet transmission or file transfer SLAs leading to penalties and reputational damage
Learn how IBM Sterling Secure File Transfer provides simple, secure and scalable file-based transactions to help overcome the above risks.