Three Common Kubernetes Security Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

The rise of Kubernetes in the enterprise has greatly simplified cloud native infrastructure for developers. You can start serving internet users with just a few lines of code and one Kubernetes command.
But just like any tool or technology, Kubernetes comes with new security considerations. And it’s not because Kubernetes is inherently insecure or risky, but because code and configurations can be overlooked when applications are pushed to production.
DevOps teams that have identified issues stemming from the misconfiguration of Kubernetes and other cautionary tales, but the most common mistakes include:
• Accidentally exposing internal services to the internet
• Giving too many privileges to containers
• Not guiding teams toward secure development from the start
Fortunately, our new whitepaper, “Three Common Kubernetes Security Mistakes and How to Avoid Them,” provides strategic and actionable insights to overcome these challenges.