A License to Skill: Embracing the Reskilling Revolution

The long-anticipated “future of work” arrived unexpectedly in early 2020. Employers completed years of anticipated digital transformation in just a few short weeks. Many employees worked fully remote for the first time, and we saw firsthand the importance of skills of the future. But what are these skills of the future? Talent leaders in recent years have prioritized “hard” skills like data analytics and programming rather than “soft” skills like creativity and collaboration, but the tide has shifted toward a mix of hard and soft skills. Given the complex and evolving nature of modern work, forward-thinking leaders now hunt for this unique combination of talent. So, how are organizations doing at developing these skills? What’s getting in the way? And what’s working? To seek the answers to these questions, we conducted a research survey of 500 business leaders and 1,000 employees across the globe. In this Lightpaper® report, we’ll explore three key insights from our latest global research on skills development and talent mobility — and how organizations can help their employees succeed now and in the future.