Articles By: Doppler

Doppler vs Traditional Secrets Managers

Secrets managers may appear similar, providing secure storage and access to secrets. What’s often overlooked is their efficiency and impact on productivity.In this video, Ryan Blunden will discuss some differences between traditional secrets managers and Doppler so you can evaluate if a modern secrets manager would better suit your needs.

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The True Cost of a Data Breach

In this fireside chat, Doppler’s Founder and CEO, Brian Vallelunga, joined Engineering Manager Nic Manoogian to deep-dive into data breaches, including their common causes, the evolving threat landscape, and which industries are most at risk. They explored how to quantify these multifaceted costs, including financial, operational, and reputational damage. Gain actionable insights to mitigate the risks of a data breach, […]

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Strengthening Security and Unlocking Efficiency: How Doppler Transformed BODi’s Configuration and Secrets Management

In this case study, you’ll learn how BODi, formerly The Beachbody Company, embraced Doppler, a secrets management platform, to streamline configuration management and enhance security across their digital infrastructure. Doppler’s seamless integration and intuitive interface not only optimized engineering productivity by developers not having to manage their own .env files locally but also provided cost savings and substantial ROI.

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The New Era of Secrets Management

Enterprise organizations constrained by traditional secrets managers and .env files are at greater risk of sensitive credentials falling into the wrong hands as secrets sprawl across cloud boundaries without sufficient access controls, monitoring, and oversight. Dive into this white paper to explore:• The current state of secrets management• How to evaluate a secrets manager and avoid vendor lock-in• Why secrets […]

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