Welcome to the 21st Century, Onboarding! Let’s face it: the employee onboarding process is in need of an overhaul. Too many companies still use paper forms, many are disorganized in their tracking of employees’ progress, and too many wait until employees are just starting work to begin onboarding. In this report, Zach Lahey, Research Analyst for Human Capital Management, explains […]
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Accelerating The Customer Journey With Social Support
The social support landscape is forever changing: customers have an ever growing number of platforms where they can vocalize dissatisfaction and where they expect to receive answers. With customers, prospects and even Wall Street listening, technology companies need to get this right the first time, and create dynamic programs for monitoring and moderating social conversations. Join TSIA’s John Ragsdale for […]
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Pearson Unifies Global Collaboration Across Brands
Jive is cohesive culture at Pearson. In recent years, Pearson had made a number of acquisitions in new markets, broadening its international reach and changing the shape of its workforce. With new companies on board and an increasing need for its different brands to work together, Pearson wanted a solution that would help its people collaborate and communicate across the […]
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EMC Maximizes Marketing Impact With Jive-x Customer Community
Jive is customer engagement at EMC. In an era of tightening budgets and intensifying demands, global IT provider EMC has found a way to substantially magnify its marketing reach while stretching its dollars. By using its Jive-x-powered community network to drive unprecedented B2B customer and partner engagement, the company has simultaneously increased brand advocacy, customer loyalty and sales while sharply […]
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FireEye Webinar: Delivering Exceptional Support With Jive-X
FireEye is used to solving tough problems, but how could it find the silver bullet solution that would allow it to: Deliver mission-critical cyber intelligence updates to customers; provide a forum for peer-to-peer customer support & lower support costs; and distribute free security resources to the public. With Jive-x, FireEye’s John Summers was able to roll out multi-faceted, online customer […]
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Premier Farnell Webinar: Global Customer Community
350,000 electronic design engineers located all over the world — all in one online community. Premier Farnell has created a powerful online home for its customers, at once increasing customer engagement and boosting sales. By integrating its Jive-x community with its e-commerce system, the company harnesses its customers’ enthusiasm to drive more loyalty and more business. Watch the recording of […]
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TSIA Webinar: Combine Customer Communities & Self-Service
Join Jive Software and TSIA for a conversation about how the most powerful communities integrate self-service and peer-to-peer into customer support delivery at every step. In this webinar, learn best practices around – Integrating better self-service through development of a knowledge base; Measuring case deflection, case acceleration, and, ultimately, the ROI provided by self-service support solutions; and Prioritizing investment in […]
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Jive-X: Combining Communities With Self-Service Whitepaper
Companies are constantly challenged to improve their customer service experience to meet increasing customer expectations while reducing costs. The popularity of new customer service communication channels adds to the complexity of delivering a great customer experience. The most effective solutions should be focused on enabling customer communities that include questions from popular social channels and developing self-service capabilities powered by […]
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