Unproductive sales meetings aren’t a good use of your time, or your prospect’s. But all you need are five minutes to learn how to make your sales meetings more productive, engaging and profitable. Sponsored by join.me, the instant online meeting app, this eBook offers practical tips on how to: • Keep your clients and prospects engaged • Boost meeting productivity […]
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Guidebook: Join.Me by LogMeIn
While the market is filled with conferencing tools, for the most part these apps specialize in one aspect of meetings, like audio, visual or chat. This free guidebook explores why companies have added join.me to their list of collaboration apps, or switched to join.me to fulfill their daily online meeting needs. The join.me Guidebook is authored by third-party Nucleus Research, […]
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Collaboration 2.0: Death Of The Web Conference (As We Know It)
This new study from Ovum and join.me by LogMeIn is based on a survey of over 3,900 full time professionals worldwide about their collaboration and meeting-related behaviors and activities. Download the report to learn more about: • How 91% of employees are spending more time in meetings than ever before, yet the majority reports that less than half are of […]
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7 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Ad Hoc Meetings
Here at LogMeIn, we constantly have ad hoc meetings to brainstorm ideas or quickly solve a problem. These types of impromptu meetings are becoming more and more common in the workplace, but can run the risk of being unproductive if they lack a visible goal or agenda. The last thing you want to do is leave a meeting feeling like […]
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Your Scarcest Resource
Most companies have elaborate procedures for managing capital. An organization’s time, by contrast, goes largely unmanaged. Bain & Company used innovative people analytics tools to examine the time budgets of 17 large corporations and discovered that companies are awash in e-communications; meeting time has skyrocketed; real collaboration is limited; dysfunctional meeting behavior is on the rise; formal controls are rare; […]
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The State of the Web Conferencing Market: Enabling Workplace Transformation for Enhanced Teamwork and Productivity
Triggered by landmark shifts in businesses, the demand for collaborative technologies and online meetings is on the rise. The ongoing workplace transformation, need for flexible work styles, and the imperative to improve productivity combined with consumerization trends is leading to an ever growing need for better and faster ways to meet and collaborate. Web conferencing tools in the past were […]
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Optimizing The Performance Of A Virtual Sales Team
Based on a deeper analysis into CSO Insights’ 2014 Sales Management Optimization study data, this white paper explores some of the challenges that managers are facing in terms of effectively supporting, coaching, and mentoring their sales teams and the role that technology can play in overcoming these issues.
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LogMeIn’s Join.Me & BTS (Case Study)
BTS is a global strategy consulting firm with hundreds of geographically dispersed employees and clients. join.me conformed to their IT security standards, took 1 week to deploy and saved ~15 minutes per session. 741% annual ROI 2-month payback
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