While the paths are different, the steps to prepare a finance organization for an IPO or to seek private equity converge in many ways. They both require a historical view of data and real-time access to financial and operational data to satisfy stakeholder concerns, make good decisions, and act as a guide for sustainable business strategies. With that in mind, […]
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Ebook: Cloud-Based ERP Solves A World of Challenges
It can be easy to think of information technology (IT) as a highly complex, overly demanding and recklessly evolving aspect of modern business. Ironically, however, much of the complexity and labor intensity companies currently experience with their IT solutions has resulted because the companies haven’t kept pace with the rapid evolution of technology. Growing numbers of companies faced with such […]
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White Paper: How TCO Benefits Make Cloud Computing a No-Brainer for Many SMBs and Mid- Market Enterprises
View this white paper to learn how a detailed TCO evaluation shows cloud-based solutions can deliver significant savings compared to on-premises business applications. Cloud computing eliminates the need for individual companies to buy, deploy and maintain IT infrastructure or application software. In the cloud computing model (also known as software-as-a-service, or SaaS), the vendor takes responsibility for deploying and managing […]
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Preparing for the New Rev Rec Standard With NetSuite
The new revenue recognition standard, IFRS 15, constitutes the biggest accounting change in over a decade. Download this white paper to learn how NetSuite’s Advanced Revenue Management solution enables you to streamline revenue accounting function to ensure compliance with current and future FASB and IFRS guidelines.
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Countdown to IFRS 15: Revenue fFrom Contracts With Customers. Is Your Organisation Ready?
IFRS 15 is going to have a considerable impact on some entities’ processes and all entities that report under IFRS will be under the scope of the new revenue recognition standard. Download this white paper to find out how ‘IFRS 15 – Revenue from Contracts with Companies’ will affect how your organisation recognises revenue.
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Always Up to Date With Your ERP
Are You Gaining a Competitive Advantage from your ERP? As a growing business, cloud ERP is the perfect solution if your current on-premise ERP is proving costly and disrupting your business. You can gain competitive advantage from the cloud by ensuring you are always up to date with the latest technology, tax laws and business regulations. If you can identify […]
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The Role of Cloud in European Business Transformation
NetSuite and Frost & Sullivan have conducted a survey of 1,425 CEOs, CFOs, CIOs and IT Directors across the UK, France, Netherlands and Sweden, drawn from a cross section of industries. This research looks to identify how cloud is driving innovation, growth and competitive advantage in Europe.
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NetSuite Buyers’ Guide: Digital Transformation Built on Cloud ERP
Which digital transformation software is right for your business? If you’ve heard a lot of talk about companies embarking on ‘digital transformation programmes’ recently, you’re not alone: more and more businesses of all sizes are using digital transformation as a springboard to enter new markets, optimise their business models, and cut costs. The way that digital transformation works varies across […]
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