Collecting good, timely data with careful analysis to guide proper business decisions is critical to thriving in business today. With that in mind, we’ve collected a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) that every product company should be monitoring consistently.
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Easing the Pain of Physical Inventory Count
Every company that buys, sells and/or uses physical products deals with the pains of keeping accurate inventory records. Conducted manually, physical inventory counts are both time-consuming and error-prone. This white paper will explore the key inventory count challenges that companies are dealing with now, show how regular, scheduled cycle counting year-round can ease these pains, and discuss how a unified, cloud enterprise resource planning (ERP) […]
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Secrets of Rock Star CFOs
Rockstar CFOs understand the missions, goals, and objectives of the organizations they lead, and are often charged with articulating this vision to investors and others. As CFO, you now have the opportunity to make things happen, not just record what happened after the fact. Learn more about how to become a CF-GO, not a CF-NO.
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Empowering Companies to Reach Beyond the Limitations of QuickBooks
Many companies start with QuickBooks but soon find that it lacks many of the capabilities growing businesses need. They often find themselves relying upon a dangerously unreliable “spreadsheet hairball” to support aging accounting systems. When your team and operations are small, the seemingly low cost of maintaining on-premises systems like QuickBooks masks the cost of inefficiencies in carrying out routine […]
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Guide of Continuous Accounting: A Smart Approach to Better, Faster Decision Making
Many finance and accounting professionals dread the arduous task of closing the books. Whether done monthly or quarterly, the process is labor-intensive, full of mundane, repetitive tasks and takes days or weeks to complete. Rather than maintaining the status quo, companies that want better, more timely financial insights must replace the traditional record-to-report process with a continuous accounting approach.
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State of the CFO Role Survey: Bullish & Building Back
CFOs were quick to cut in April to conserve cash. Now, they’re ready to get back to spending as usual—much more quickly than other leaders in their businesses. That’s the headline finding of our September 2020 survey of 120 CFOs and other business leaders. Check out our other key findings here.
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Critical Components to Achieving the Perfect Order
Delivering on customer expectations comes from the ability to complete the perfect order: Getting the right products delivered at the best price, when and where they want. For merchants, the perfect order means accomplishing this at the optimal cost and efficiency. This white paper explores the three key components that go into building a strategy to provide seamless, omnichannel experiences […]
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6 Tips of Tackling Physical Inventory Counts
Inventory and warehouse management systems make physical counts faster, easier and less frequent. Download the infographic to learn how physical counts enable businesses to: • Confidently rely on a demand-based production model.• Keep less inventory on hand.• Decrease overhead costs associated with storage.
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