Articles By: SchoolStatus

Engaging All Parents: A 6 Part Guide to School Communications That Work

Almost 50 million children are enrolled in US public schools. Let’s make sure we’re reaching their families like we should be. To do that, effective communications that reach all families are a necessity. Get started on the path to reach all families efficiently and effectively throughout your school and district. Download this eBook to learn how to use school communications […]

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Unraveling the “Why”: Strategies to Address Chronic Absenteeism

The impact of chronic absenteeism on student learning and academic achievement has been a growing concern across the nation. Even as schools have adapted to the challenges posed by the pandemic, student absenteeism remains persistently high, well above pre-pandemic levels. The reasons behind this concerning trend are multifaceted and require a deeper understanding to implement effective solutions. We invite you […]

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Enhancing School-Home Communication for a Successful Year Ahead

In this webinar, we have Kari Murphy, Chief Technology Officer for Deer Park ISD talk us through steps they have taken to enhance communication between educators, staff, and families. She also shares strategies that have helped Deer Park ISD create a robust communication plan. Watch the webinar for tips to help you set up your schools and districts for success. […]

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The Case For Coming to School: One Simple Approach to Improving Attendance

School is so much more than just a place to be. It’s a place to become. Students who come to school regularly have far better options and opportunities open to them. As a 2020 report by the National Bureau of Economic Research states, students who attend school regularly are more likely to have higher academic achievement, higher future earnings, and […]

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