Businesses using the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud often store their data in Amazon’s DynamoDB database with the expectation of tighter integration with AWS tools. This whitepaper explains why Couchbase’s NoSQL database is often a better choice for higher performance, lower cost, and greater flexibility. You’ll learn how Couchbase lets you: • Avoid DynamoDB’s item-size restrictions • Speed up performance […]
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Technical NoSQL Comparison Report
This in-depth analysis from Altoros compares Couchbase, MongoDB™, and DataStax based on performance, availability, ease of installation, data consistency, fault tolerance, replication, recovery, scalability, and more. The report: • Scores the three leading NoSQL solutions across 24 key criteria for architecture, administration, and development • Evaluates data from real-world development and production, regularly conducted benchmarks, and product documentation • Recommends […]
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High Availability and Disaster Recovery for Globally Distributed Data – Couchbase Cross Datacenter Replication (XDCR) Technology Overview
Today’s hybrid data infrastructures require innovative approaches to data replication. This whitepaper introduces you to Couchbase’s cross datacenter replication (XDCR) technology and walks you through a detailed overview of its architecture design and deployment flexibility. You’ll also learn why XDCR is ideal for hybrid deployment, cloud migration, and high availability.
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NoSQL Performance Benchmark 2018: Couchbase Server v5.5, DataStax Enterprise v6 (Cassandra), and MongoDB v3.6
In this report, Altoros evaluates and compares the latency and performance of the three most popular NoSQL databases – Couchbase Server, MongoDB™, and DataStax Enterprise (Cassandra) – under different cluster configurations and workloads using the Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark (YCSB).
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Couchbase Under the Hood: An Architectural Overview
Couchbase is an open source, distributed, document-oriented NoSQL database. In this whitepaper, you’ll learn how its core design principles deliver agile development, scalable performance, and system manageability. In particular, you will: • Get an introduction to key Couchbase concepts • Take a deep dive into Couchbase’s services for data and KV engine, key-value data access, query, index, search, eventing, analytics, […]
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A Modern Model for Preventing Bank Fraud
Globally, fraud costs the economy over $4 trillion each year. TABB Research Group’s report shows that the key to modernizing fraud prevention is to use a range of technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), cloud computing, big data analytics and API technology. Download the TABB Group white paper to learn what financial institutions […]
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DataOps e-Book: Moving Financial Services Institutions Into The New Economy
To meet today’s challenges, financial services organizations must bring data resources together to create personalized customer experiences, optimize existing processes through automation, increase cybersecurity and achieve better risk management. Download the report to learn more about implementing an emerging practice, data operations – or DataOps – and create new ways to identify, secure and flow high-value information through your organization.
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Get Ahead of Your Next Security Breach
Privileged accounts are a necessity in any enterprise IT environment, since they enable administrators to manage the environment. But as news reports constantly remind us, granting privileged access increases the risk of a security breach, no matter what industry your organization represents. However, your organization does not have to become the next statistic. By taking the five concrete steps outlined […]
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