Delivering Real-time Cloud Security Without Trading Off Performance

While network teams focus on performance and availability, security teams are tasked with managing risk tied to data breaches. These two goals have traditionally been at odds, given the impact that delivering security can have on performance. For the most part, user experience and ultimately the speed of the business tend to get a higher priority than security. This unwritten rule forces security teams to severely limit the scope of their security controls to methods that don’t impact performance. This ranges from turning off TLS decryption to foregoing inline security altogether and focusing on less intrusive, out-ofband methods of deployment. The result is performance at the expense of security and with the rise of data breaches, this puts the business at risk.
This paper outlines the challenges that impact the ability to deliver high-performant and reliable realtime security and how Netskope addresses these challenges with one of the world’s largest and fastest security networks.
About Netskope®
The Netskope security cloud provides unrivaled visibility and real-time data and threat protection when accessing cloud services, websites, and private apps from anywhere, on any device. Only Netskope understands the cloud and takes a data-centric approach that empowers security teams with the right balance of protection and speed they need to secure their digital transformation journey.