SASE Security Buyer’s Guide

Remote work today means “work anywhere”—at home, in an office, or wherever travel may be permitted. Connecting people to the data they need and delivering consistent security wherever data is used are the new challenges.
With people, applications, and data now frequently beyond the traditional boundaries of the enterprise, security teams must continue to deliver consistent security where it’s needed, while supporting productivity for today’s anywhere worker and lowering the operational burden. Gartner’s Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) architecture is a compelling path forward, designed to bring together disparate networking and security technologies as converged services delivered from the cloud.
Some SASE solutions focus on connecting people to applications; however, access is simply the way people securely obtain the data they need to get their jobs done. Cybersecurity must also protect the usage of that data from the edge to the cloud.
Use this guide to understand the different approaches for SASE security and the capabilities you should expect and trust from a SASE platform.