Is your network keeping up with the pace of the business? Being first to market and exceeding customers’ expectations are keys to success in today’s environment. You can’t afford a network that can’t keep up with the demands for cloud-hosted, distributed apps, and the increasing threats of cybercriminals. To get the speed and agility you need, you need to modernize […]
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Achieving Network Modernization for the Decade Ahead
This paper examines how VMware and Intel have worked together to deliver network virtualization capabilities that leverage software and hardware innovation to provide a wide range of business and operational benefits to enterprises that need their networks to be every bit as agile, flexible, secure, and elastically scalable as their other infrastructure supporting the business resiliency, availability and performance of […]
Read more ›Is Your Enterprise Network Future Ready?
By re-thinking how they connect, secure, and operate multiple clouds, organizations gain the freedom to innovate across clouds. Learn what multi-cloud success looks like, including:• Migrating to the cloud at minimal cost and risk• Seamless operations across multiple clouds with existing tools, policies, and skills• Scaling to the cloud as needed, and paying only for what is needed• Enabling self-service […]
Read more ›Enterprise Machine Learning Guide
Machine learning advances and the increasing importance of data have created the perfect formula for business transformation. Organizations of all sizes are leveraging leading-edge tech and data to impact processes, functions, teams, and the entire business ecosystem. Get the step-by-step playbook for machine learning that helps executives:• Successfully incorporate the technology• Learn from companies in different industries that have successfully […]
Read more ›The Machine Learning Journey
Your machine learning journey relies on the right implementation to drive real business value. Follow the proven path to success laid out in The Machine Learning Journey eBook. With a step-by-step guide, insights from AWS machine learning experts, and inspiring stories of success from industry leaders who’ve deployed business-differentiating solutions with the technology, this eBook helps every business leader. Use […]
Read more ›The Data Flywheel: Building Momentum by Putting Your Data to Work
Organizations worldwide are relying on massive volumes of data to determine when and how to develop and release new products, drive opportunities for new revenue streams, determine where to automate manual processes, and more. All of these decisions fuel innovation and help move your business forward. But what’s the best model—the most efficient strategy—for analyzing all this data and applying […]
Read more ›Migration to Innovation: Developing a Technology Plan to Execute Strategic Priorities
Competing in today’s tech-powered global economy requires an unswerving focus on customers; the creativity to meet their needs with innovative solutions; the agility to execute quickly; and a focus on constantly improving operational efficiency. The winners are those who can leverage a modern tech infrastructure to fuel that innovation, agility, and efficiency. While the pace of technology innovation means there […]
Read more ›Part 2: Shifting to a Product-Based Model and Positioning People for Success
Welcome back, cloud innovators. In Part 1 of this timely AWS eBook Series, we detailed the issues involved in identifying IT skills gaps within your organization. In Part 2, we’ll review the steps it takes to shift your operational model from the inefficiency of traditional, activity-based processes to a product-based model in the cloud. The time has come to overcome […]
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