Post Tagged with: "gf_row"

Tacking the World’s Most Cutting-Edge Rich-Media Workflows: Storage Best Practices for Resource-Intensive Content Creation and Delivery

New technologies for producing stunning visual content are opening tremendous opportunities for studios, post-production houses, distributors and other media organizations. Sophisticated next-generation cameras and multi-camera arrays enable organizations to capture more visual information, in greater detail than ever before.

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NVMe, RDMA, and Other Emerging Technologies

Over the past decade, enterprise-grade non-volatile “flash” storage has gone mainstream. While not exactly inexpensive, enterprise flash prices have finally dropped to the point that talk of the “all-flash data center” no longer generates quite as much eye-rolling as it once did. Spinning disk capacity is still relatively low-cost, but the technical barriers to greater HDD density and performance are […]

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Transform Your Storage Infrastructure with the Power of NVMe

Media and entertainment organizations are increasingly adopting flash-based storage to gain the performance required for critical workflows. They see opportunities to accelerate ingest, transcoding, rendering, and playout while giving editors a more responsive experience for working with multiple streams of high-resolution content.

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6 Steps for Getting the Most Out of the Data You Have

Unless you have a photographic memory, you likely find it hard to remember everything you learn, even an hour or two after you learn it. Why? Research about how we remember and forget gives us a clue. Technology leaders know that big data will dominate the future: 78 percent believe that data collection and analysis has the potential to dramatically […]

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Tech Jobs of Tomorrow: Blockchain

Whether you’re hiring or applying for new roles in emerging technologies, it’s important to know where that tech is headed and how companies are adapting their hiring and skills strategies. We’ve culled a few insights from the World Economic Forum’s The Future of Jobs Report to get you up to speed on what you need to know about the blockchain […]

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On-Demand Webinar: DevSecOps Webinar

With the chronic shortage in cybersecurity skills being compounded by an ever-increasing demand for improved compliance, a classic approach to security is no longer scalable, sustainable or rapid enough to ensure your organization can innovate and compete while maintaining secure systems.

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Technologists – And the Business – Must Execute at the Speed of DevOps

Intermediate organizations have the basics well in hand. They’ve broken down silos, institutionalized customer centricity, and built a foundation of agile processes. However, to advance, CIOs and other technology leaders must shift their focus beyond customer experience (CX) to employee experience (EX), develop resource pools and redefine how work is done to benefit from automation technologies. This report provides an […]

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RECRUIT VS. RETAIN: The Real Cost of Hiring and Turnover

Picture this: you manage a group of web designers. One of your top designers and best employees approaches you and says she’s been offered an enticing position with a competitor. What do you do? Does it make more financial sense for your business to recruit new employees or retain the valuable ones you already have? And which tools work best […]

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