Post Tagged with: "gf_row"


Despite strong returns in recent years, dynamic political environments and an ever-evolving economy will likely create new challenges for private equity firms moving forward. It’s no longer acceptable to wait for less turbulent times to come. Rather, PE firms must adapt to the market and learn to operate with speed, agility and transparency. Download this whitepaper to learn how NetSuite’s […]

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Massive changes are sweeping the transportation and logistics landscape and are dramatically impacting companies operating in this space. To adapt in this dynamic environment, companies must be able to quickly respond to changes in market conditions, customer requirements, and government and industry regulation, but have a remarkably difficult time finding software solutions that can meet their needs in an affordable […]

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The pace of change continues to accelerate at an unprecedented rate for financial services companies. Fierce competition, regulatory reform and evolving customer needs are compelling financial services firms to seek business applications that can help them adapt to the changing environment in an affordable manner. Download this whitepaper to learn how Oracle NetSuite can help your business move beyond the […]

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Escaping the Nonprofit Technology Trap

Often times, nonprofits are so focused on their mission that internal needs fall to the wayside. Despite these daily frustrations, nonprofits make do or go without—worried that an investment in technology will eat into funding that might otherwise be spent on delivering critical programs and services. As a result, employees forced to use these outdated technologies feel hampered or undermined […]

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Empowering Nonprofits to Reach Beyond the Limitations of QuickBooks

Nonprofits operate in a world of significant complexity, limited resources, and software solutions that were built for a different time. With increasing expectations to accurately measure outcomes, and massive change in nonprofit business models, these organizations can no longer afford to use obsolete technologies that can’t provide real-time visibility and insight into their operations and mission. Download this new white […]

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DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION: Why Financial Services Companies Are Adopting A Suite Approach to Software

In the face of fierce competition, regulatory reform and evolving customer needs, financial services firms are under increased pressure to adapt to the rapidly changing business landscape and improve visibility and compliance while controlling costs. Download this whitepaper to learn why a suite approach to software has become a key strategic initiative for staying ahead of the curve as the […]

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The Transformational Power of Hyper-Converged Infrastructure

Hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI) has emerged as a flexible, efficient way to bring key IT functions together, break down siloes, and deliver high performance at lower costs. Read the following eBook to discover how this new approach to HCI is changing the future of the data center.

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Video Conferencing Network Best Practices

It’s no secret that video conferencing is a productivity powerhouse around the office. For users, it helps improve employee engagement and creates a better sense of community among globally dispersed teams. But the IT departments implementing the solution will find some unique benefits of their own. An all-in-one solution like Lifesize can replace legacy audio-only conferencing services and provide audio, […]

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