Post Tagged with: "gf_row"

Retail Stores of the Future

Download our new white paper, Retail Stores of the Future, to learn how you can bring the best of online shopping to brick-and-mortar stores. You’ll see how new digital marketing technologies and strategies can be applied to in-store interactions—so you can create immersive experiences everywhere your customers go. Read the white paper now to discover: • How retailers are blending […]

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6 Easy Ways to Boost Customer Confidence

You want more consumers loyal to your brand, but how can you do that efficiently? Having the best product or services isn’t enough — they need to know you care deeply about them and your work. Get 6 basic rules to improve over your competition in this eBook.

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Trends in SMB Collaboration, Communication, and Mobility: What’s Your Strategy?

Today’s technology provides us digital solutions that enable us to work anytime, anywhere. In this webinar brief Laurie McCabe explains: · How SMBs embrace cloud collaboration and communication solutions. · Why employee metrics and growth are connected for SMBs. · The mobile management challenges SMBs face.

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Effective Mobile Engagement Report 2016

Just how effective is mobile engagement when it comes to customer communication? Our friends at Vanson Bourne asked 8,000 mobile consumers a series of questions to find out. The results?  53% consumers often or always use their mobile device to research products or services before purchase  72% of consumers have abandoned a mobile experience because contact details were […]

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How TCO Benefits Make Cloud Computing a No-Brainer for Many SMBs and Mid- Market Enterprises

View this white paper to learn how a detailed TCO evaluation shows cloud-based solutions can deliver significant savings compared to on-premises business applications. Cloud computing eliminates the need for individual companies to buy, deploy and maintain IT infrastructure or application software. In the cloud computing model (also known as software-as-a-service, or SaaS), the vendor takes responsibility for deploying and managing […]

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Why HCI and Why Now? Discover the Data Center Infrastructure That Radically Simplifies Storage – VMware Trend Brief

One of the fastest-growing solutions for evolving to the next-generation data center is Hyper-Converged Infrastructure (HCI). A well-architected HCI solution can dramatically increase efficiency, improve flexibility, and reduce TCO across the data center – without any trade-offs on performance or availability. Read the Trend Brief to understand Why Hyper-Converged Infrastructure and Why Now.

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Customer Snapshot: Embracing Hyper-Convergence With VMware Virtual SAN – eBook

IT organizations can become crippled as technology demands shift around them, or they can recognize the changing conditions and adapt to what the future has in store. VMware Virtual SAN can help address these concerns – see how our customers are raising their storage standards by downloading this eBook.

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Reviewing the Current State of Hyperconvergence and Real-World Benefits of VMware Virtual SAN Deployments

This IDC white paper reviews the trends driving organizations to deploy hyperconverged systemswithin their datacenters. It also provides an overview of VMware Virtual SAN and the results of arecent IDC survey of VMware Virtual SAN customers. The survey results offer insights into the mostcommon areas VMware Virtual SAN customers are seeing the benefits of the solution and the amountof capex […]

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