Post Tagged with: "gf_row"

5 DNS Security Risks That Keep You Up At Night

DDoS, cache poisoning, footprinting, oh my! Who knew that there were so many ways to threaten the security of your DNS? Find out all of the scary details about these attacks and what you can do to prevent them.

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Master List of DNS Terminology

DNS isn’t the easiest topic to grasp and the terminology can be confusing rather than helpful. In this eBook, you’ll find the most common DNS terms and their definitions to help you better understand DNS. From A records to zones, this list will get you on the right track towards becoming a DNS pro.

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5 Ways to Reduce Advertising Network Latency

If your ads are slow to load, chances are, consumers aren’t going to wait around to see them. Just the smallest amount of latency can cost you thousands of views, clicks, and conversions. By following these 5 guidelines, you can reduce your overall network latency and keep those clicks coming.

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The definitive guide to marketing automation

How can marketing automation benefit you? Marketing automation allows businesses to save time and money, measure and optimize marketing investments, and grow revenue faster. According to our benchmark analysis, businesses that use marketing automation can grow their pipeline by 45%, enjoy 25% higher revenue, and allow sales reps to spend 22% more time selling. Marketing automation is a must-have for […]

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General K Strategies to Lead Revolutionary Team

Want to know how to build and lead a revolutionary team? Ask a U.S. Army General. “Leaders motivate people in the pursuit of goals.” This brief by General Thomas Kolditz explores 3 strategies for revolutionizing your leadership and improving your team’s performance.

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3 Service Desk Predictions for 2013

Technology makes our lives easier, but the rapid proliferation of devices, apps and operating systems can complicate the picture — particularly when you need to support them all. “Combining critical tools enables IT departments to be more efficient, effective and save costs.” This solutions brief explores three service desk predictions for 2013 that will help you improve process, consolidate systems […]

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A Geek’s Guide to Presenting to Business People

Are you a geek or a techie? Do you dread having to present to those who aren’t? “Successful geeks will be the ones who can bridge the divide between technical and business groups.” This brief by Paul Glen, award-winning author of Leading Geeks, explores 5 simple presentation steps for engaging any audience – technically inclined or not.

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What IT Pros Need to Know about Windows 8: Just the FAQs

It’s time for another Microsoft Windows release. Curious to know what’s inside Windows 8 and how it will impact your IT organization? “Windows 8 is a complex product packed with changes both big and small.” This brief by Ed Bott, author of more than 25 books on Microsoft Windows and Office, explains how Windows 8 will affect you and the […]

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