Post Tagged with: "gf_row"

Forrester: End-To-End Application Acceleration Technologies Overcome SaaS Challenges

Software as a Service (SaaS) applications offer great promise and are growing in popularity. But cloud-based infrastructure and services complicate network architecture considerations, which not long ago were limited to a decision between local or centralized. Download this 7-page survey-driven analysis by Forrester to learn how to overcome cloud-related performance issues by extending optimization to SaaS applications.

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ESG – Riverbed Stingray: Accelerating Application Development & Deployment

This paper examines how organizations can redefine the way they develop applications to be more responsive to customers and the market. Download this ESG brief now to find out how tools such as software, cloud-ready ADCs like Riverbed Stingray Traffic Manager can help DevOps teams develop applications faster, test them in a production-identical environment, and bring them to market quicker.

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5 Reasons Your Legacy Loadbalancer Is Failing You

Your legacy load balancer may be keeping a dirty hidden secret from you. Download this concise white paper now and learn the five ways your legacy load balancer is failing you. Plus, find out how application delivery controllers (ADCs) can now leverage deep application intelligence to do much more for your business than a load balancer ever could.

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ESG – Application Services For The Software Defined Data Center: Riverbed Stingray Traffic Manager

This paper examines the trends driving the shift towards highly virtualized software based cloud environments and how new software-defined architectures are required for organizations to make this shift. Download this ESG brief now to find out how Riverbed Stingray Traffic Manager can help organizations keep up with demands in a highly virtualized and dynamic software-defined data center environment.

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Content Marketing With Webinar Programs

One-shot webinars leave opportunities on the table. One-size-fits-all webinars fit no one in particular. So how do you effectively build trust and drive sales without breaking the bank? “Webinars deliver content in a uniquely engaging way, making them perfect for a content marketing portfolio.” This white paper explains how strategic content marketing with webinar programs can help drive sales without […]

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IDC – Realizing Business Value And ROI With Application-Aware Network Performance Management

Major IT developments such as virtualization, cloud initiatives, and the explosion of content and big data pose significant challenges for WAN and LAN performance, reliability, and flexibility. Riverbed Technology offers Cascade® application-aware network performance management that enables end-to-end visibility into the performance of critical business applications. Download this paper to learn the ROI and achieved benefits from using Cascade products.

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IDC – Application Delivery Controllers Evolving To Support The User Experience

The focus on optimizing IT investments in combination with public and private cloud trends will drive core demand for Application Delivery Controllers (ADCs), for a variety of use cases including load balancing, security, optimizing reliability, and enhancing the performance of a variety of end-user applications. This paper discusses the role that Riverbed Technology plays in this growing market for ADCs.

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IDC – Application Delivery For Next-Generation Business-Ready Datacenters

This Technology Spotlight describes the evolving requirements for IT to meet end-user performance expectations and the need for application delivery. In addition, this paper discusses benefits and challenges associated with application delivery solutions and trends driving growth. Finally, the paper looks at the role of Riverbed Technology as it plays a part in innovating in this strategically important market.

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