What Exactly is RTM and What Does it Mean to Your Brand?

You’ve surely heard about Oreo’s big blackout Tweet during the Super Bowl. And probably Arby’s post about Pharrell’s hat at the GRAMMY Awards. This type of engagement is called real-time marketing (RTM) — and it really, really works. We’re here to explain what RTM is and how it can help your brand be more relevant and present for your audiences.
Understanding Real-Time Marketing breaks down the core principles of RTM and its growing importance as a social strategy. Multiple examples from brands such as Best Buy, Zappos, Wendy’s®, and MasterCard® highlight different kinds of RTM success. And we back them all up with impressive performance metrics that demonstrate RTM’s genuine value.
If you’re ready to get started with RTM — or get your team excited about it — download Understanding Real-Time Marketing today.